I triggered a payout for these needs:
Because the rules have changed we need to end this project.... we made it to more than 50% of the money needed (yes, in theory, you could still spend in the next two weeks or so...). We have now been able to have the room repaired and painted, spend money on books for the library and have the baking skills of the bakers improved! Thanks so much for all your help!
A donation amount of €1,135.00 was requested for the following needs:
- Ausstattung Räumlichkeiten €195.00
- Ausbildung zu Bäcker der Jugendlichen €135.00
- Ausbildung weitere BäckerInnen €20.00
- Streichen und rerparieren der Räumlichkeiten €400.00
- Bücher für die Bücherei €35.00
- Einführung in Buchhaltung und Budegtierung für Bäc €100.00
- Beschaffung weitere Küchengeräte €250.00