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Far From Fear e.V.

managed by M. Mosch

About us

Far from Fear – this is the way our fosterlings should live.
The Spanish galgos (Greyhounds) are mercilessly and brutally exploited and killed in their country of origin. There is only one chance for them to survive: finding a new home in Germany or the neighbouring countries.
The Spanish galgo (Greyhound) is a wonderful family pet and the chances to find forever homes are very high, especially when future owner and dog can meet beforehand.
The registered association Far from Fear e. V. was founded in 2001. Since then we mainly and with great dedication take care of rehoming these gentle dogs, accommodating them in the meantime in selected German foster homes, where they are checked by veterinarians, taken care of and nursed back to health to later find their forever home. Those who are interested in a dog may visit it in its foster home and make their first contact. A detailed advice ensures that the right person is found for the right dog. We categorically oppose to adoptions only based on photos.
Parallel with the rehoming of the dogs we also created several projects in close co-operation with our Spanish partners: creation of animal assisted therapy in Spain, animal assisted therapy in Germany, Die in Love, building or modification of Spanish shelters for species-appropriate keeping, specialist literature, educational work, support for our Spanish partners in their political and sociopolitical efforts, and many more.
Our aim is to turn the Spanish galgo into a creature treated with respect in his country of origin and making associations like ours unnecessary.

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Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:

  i. rasch  17 January 2012 at 06:39 PM

779,00 € kamen zusammen und werden heute an Far From Fear e.V. überwiesen. Vielen Dank an alle, die gespendet haben. Das Geld steht der Vereinsarbeit zur Verfügung.

Es wurden 779,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:

Druck- und Drucknebenkosten 320,00 €Druck- und Drucknebenkosten 359,00 €Druck- und Drucknebenkosten 100,00 €
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Kirchbergstrasse 14

M. Mosch

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