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Teso Parents Nursery and Primary School

managed by Charles Dicken Olupot

About us

Dear Sir, please find our project proposal for your action and love for us in Uganda. Teso Parents' Nursery and Primary School,
School extension Project.
Mr. Olupot Charles Dicken.
Mr. Oculi Richard
M/s Akol Esther
Mukura Trading Centre, Mukura Sub-County, Ngora county, Ngora District, Uganda.
Eastern Uganda, Ngora District, Okunguro Village.
Olupot Charles Finance Trust Bank,Kumi Branch, Uganda
Amount requested is Uganda Shillings. 347,435,000 = USD 99,267
Teso Parents’ Nursery and Primary School is coded by the Ministry of Education and Sports as an Orphanage offering support to the vulnerable children, with registration number 190063 E.P.D. The school has three main programs: Nursery, Primary and Orphanage.
It is located in Mukura Trading Center, Ngora district (formerly Kumi district), Uganda. I


Koloin village
Ngora district, Uganda

Charles Dicken Olupot

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