Pro Animale für Tiere in Not e.V.
managed by Natascha Wothke
About us
Founded in 1985, Pro Animale is an internationally active animal welfare organisation officially recognised in Germany as ‘a charity particularly worth supporting’. As a non-profit organisation funded exclusively by donations, we spend only about 6,6 % on administration. We are fully responsible on a daily basis for more than 3700 of our animal siblings housed in 25 animal welfare centres in five European countries and Turkey.
Latest project news
Wir haben 48,75 € Spendengelder erhalten
Wir danken allen Spendern für eure Unterstützung! Es ist uns wichtig, unsere Tierherbergen in eine nachhaltige Zukunft zu führen.
Im I. Wehr 1, 97424 Schweinfurt
Natascha Wothke
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