Deutscher Kinderschutzbund OV Neumünster e.V.
managed by DKSB OV Neumünster
Support our aid projects
About us
Making children strong! That is our mission. We at the Kinderschutzbund Neumünster see ourselves as the "lobby for children" in our city! The Kinderschutzbund in Neumünster has a long tradition. Founded on 12 May 1955, our local association can now look back on decades of experience. It all started with an "offer of help for neglected children in individual cases". Today we are a modern institution with a wide range of services. With a total of 80 employees - both full-time and active volunteers - it is impossible to imagine life in our city without the local association and its five specialist departments. We are moving boldly into the future and will play a committed role in Neumünster. Especially in times of crisis!
Latest project news
Wir haben 102,37 € Spendengelder erhalten
Wir setzen die Spenden ausschließlich für unser KLiPPO Projekt ein.
Klippo – Kinderschutzpunkte in Neumünster
Hier bist du sicher!
Plöner Straße 23
DKSB OV Neumünster
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