Local Kid e.V.
managed by Chiara Katende
Support our aid projects
About us
Our association was founded in 2018 with small workshops for the Batwa community in Kisoro. At the beginning, we pursued the goal of organising small projects to support the community and thus make a difference on a small scale. But with a lot of encouragement and support from Uganda and Germany, the projects and areas of work were expanded and we finally founded an official association.
Local KID e.V. is an association that sets up and supports various projects in Uganda. Our aim is not to be based in one place but to work in different areas. Our mission is to provide independence through support. Our work is focused on empowering people with knowledge and skills so that they can develop and sustain themselves. Our vision is to provide education to the local people and accompany them on their way to better living conditions in independence.
Latest project news
Wir haben 607,42 € Spendengelder erhalten
Juhu es geht voran! Dank euren Spenden konnten wir mit den Sanitäranlagen starten! Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe! Dank euch finden Kinder und Jugendliche in Uganda ein neues Zuhause, kommen von schlechten Einflüssen und Drogen weg und bekommen eine Perspektive für die Zukunft!
Am Spielberg 11
Chiara Katende
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