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Schulwälder für Westafrika e.V.

managed by Anja Nitzsche

About us

The Ghanaian-German association "Schulwälder für Westafrika e.V." (School Forests for West Africa) is committed to environmental protection by focusing our work on the environmental education of children and young people from both countries within the framework of school partnerships. In doing so, we follow a learning-by-doing approach: In our tree nursery in Ghana, we raise seedlings using environmentally friendly measures (e.g. no pesticides) and then distribute them free of charge to our partner schools in the central region of Ghana. There, the school children plant the trees in their schoolyards and take care of them. In this way, they contribute to the reforestation of the rainforest and at the same time get shady places for lessons and for playing. As additional motivation, the pupils receive solar lamps. These solar lamps are a clean and cost-effective alternative to candles or paraffin lamps, which are harmful to the environment and health.

Latest project news

Wir haben 975,00 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Anja Nitzsche  16 October 2023 at 11:30 AM

Liebe Unterstützer*innen des Vereins „Schulwälder für Westafrika e.V.“,
wir bedanken uns ganz herzlichen für die großzügigen Spenden und euer Vertrauen! Unser Dank geht auch an die Niedersächsische Bingo-Umweltstiftung, die uns bei der der Geländesicherung und Storm- und Wasserversorgung maßgeblich unterstützt hat! Nun kann lokal durch eine Photovoltaikanlage Strom erzeugt werden.

Wir freuen uns auf die nächsten Schritte zur Errichtung des internationalen Umweltbildungszentrums in Nyakrom und hoffen auf eure weitere Unterstützung!

Dear supporters of the association "Schulwälder für Westafrika e.V.",

we would like to thank you very much for your generous donations and your trust! Our thanks also go to the Niedersächsische Bingo-Umweltstiftung, which has supported us significantly in the securing of the site and storm and water supply! Now electricity can be generated locally through a photovoltaic system.

We are looking forward to the next steps to build the international environmental education center in Nyakrom and hope for your continued support!
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Anja Nitzsche

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