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Creative Connection for Communities e.V.

managed by Monika Herold

About us

The German NGO "Creative Connection for Communities e.V." has set itself the task of promoting art and culture in needy communities and, in accordance with the principle of "helping people to help themselves", to support above all initiatives that do the same from within the communities themselves. The two main focuses are assistance in building up cultural infrastructure and direct cultural support for children, young people and young adults. Art and culture provide character development, meaningful occupation, self-expression and are a fertile outlet in opposition to crime, drug abuse and violence. Especially in communities such as Kibera - one of the world's largest slums in Nairobi, Kenya - cultural opportunities can strengthen community spirit, peace and perspectives. There, we are currently supporting the CBO (Community Based Organization) KiCA "Kibera Creative Arts" to expand its offerings for the community and to construct its own building for this purpose, among other things.

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  betterplace-Team  06 October 2022 at 03:18 PM

Liebe Spender*innen, hat dieses Geldspendenprojekt gemäß Ziffer 9.5.3. unserer AGB für Zeitspenden, steuerbegünstigte Organisationen und Projekte abgebrochen. 

Bezüglich der noch nicht überwiesenen Spendengelder in Höhe von 1.133,22 Euro, die nicht mehr an die Spender*innen zurückerstattet werden konnten, hat (auch auf Wunsch der Organisation) entschieden, dass die restliche Summe von 1.133,22 Euro auf dieses andere Projekt transferiert wird:

Bei Fragen dazu könnt ihr uns gern kontaktieren: 

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Döbereinerstr. 25

Monika Herold

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