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Art and Prison e.V.

managed by Peter Echtermeyer

About us

The association "Art and Prison" is based on the idea that beyond and across national borders, art can make a valuable contribution to humanity and to greater respect for human dignity; a service to the victims of criminality and crime.

Our objectives:
- Raise awareness of what life is like behind bars
- Show that "quality art" can be created also, and sometimes especially, in prison
- Motivate artists worldwide to contribute creatively and concretely through their artistic work to
- improve the humanitarian situation in prisons
- Invite art lovers and sponsors worldwide to support this initiative
- Hold international exhibitions and contests, support publications
- Present paintings and sculptures of "free" and imprisoned artists
The association is not aligned with any political party and is not bound to any specific denomination or ideology. The association's charitable, non-profit status is recognized by the German government and donations

Latest project news

Wir haben 156,00 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Peter Echtermeyer  16 October 2023 at 11:35 AM

Die Spenden haben wir eingesetzt für die Organisation der Kunst-Wettbewerbe für inhaftierte Menschen und die Ausstellungen, die aus diesen Wettbewerben hervorgegangen sind. Vielen Dank allen Spendern und Spenderinnen, die uns in unserem ehrenamtlichen Engagement unterstützen!

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Wrangelstr. 51

Peter Echtermeyer

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