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Collective Leadership Institute gGmbH

managed by Martin Fielko

About us

The Collective Leadership Institute develops concepts, trainings, and projects to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in multi-stakeholder partnerships and transformation processes. CLI collaborates with decision-makers in international development cooperation, the public sector, NGOs, corporates, and foundations.

5,000 people from more than 120 countries were trained in stakeholder collaboration and collective leadership since the foundation of CLI in 2005. More than 40 projects were succesfully implemented. The worldwide network of Collective Leadership Hubs builds capacity among local facilitators to support local and international transformation processes and to help people to help themselves.

CLI offers research and publications in the above mentioned areas and is the only institute in Germany, and with offices in South Africa and USA the largest of its kind, that deals with the topic of Collective Leadership.
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Latest project news

Spendengelder, die nicht mehr für das Projekt ausgegeben werden können

  betterplace-Team  13 June 2023 at 01:18 PM

Liebe Spender,
bei Projekten, bei denen Spendengelder über einen langen Zeitraum hinweg nicht angefordert wurden, sehen das Gesetz und unsere Nutzungsbedingungen vor, dass die Spenden von der gemeinnützigen AG (Betreiberin von zeitnah für deren satzungsmäßige Zwecke verwendet werden müssen.
Deshalb setzen wir die noch nicht verwendeten Spendengelder für diese Zwecke ein
Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung,

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Kurfürstenstraße 1

Martin Fielko

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