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Change the world with your donation

Help others help e.V.

managed by Smaranda Becker

About us

Help others help e.V., a NGO founded in Germany, is aiming at donating much needed medical equipment to Romanian hospitals, which is financed via fundraising campaigns. The situation of the Romanian medical system is quite precarious compared to European standards. It lacks necessary investments and doctors and nurses are fighting with reduced means to save their patients.

Our promise: 100% of the donations will reach their goal - no overhead or marketing costs.

We also have a strong tracking & monitoring process in place to ensure that the donated equipment is still adequately used and continues to save lives.

The NGO was founded by a group of Romanians living both in Romania and abroad. We are collaborating on a volunteering basis and work together with companies which choose to support us pro bono, to ensure a 0 cost level.

We are looking forward to your support!

Latest project news

We received a payout of €292.50

  Smaranda Becker  25 January 2023 at 05:54 PM

The donations will be used for acquiring medical equipment in Romania as the project has been finalized. Thank you for supporting the projects!

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Am Wildpark, 51

Smaranda Becker

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