Refugio München
managed by Heike Martin
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About us
At least 40% of asylum seekers in Germany suffer from a trauma-related mental illness. In children even every second person is affected.
But very few of them receive adequate treatment.
Refugio München is a counseling and treatment center for traumatized refugees. With a wide range of psychosocial, therapeutic and educational offers and cooperation with interpreters, we are one of the few contact points for traumatized refugees in Bavaria.
Since 1994 we have been helping people who fled war, persecution and torture and who had to experience terrible things while fleeing. Every year we help around 2,000 refugee children, adolescents and adults to cope with traumatic experiences and the challenges of a new life situation in Germany.
Latest project news

Wir haben 50,00 € Spendengelder erhalten
Die Lebensbedingungen von Asylsuchenden machen es gerade den jüngsten unter den Schutzsuchenden nicht einfach, sich von traumatischen Erlebnissen zu erholen. Bei Refugio München erhalten traumatisierte Kinder mit Fluchterfahrung Therapie und ihre Eltern Beratung..
Rosenheimer Str. 38