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Wothouq e.V. - Women's Community Center Izmir

managed by Jana Brehm

About us

Where European foreign policy fails, direct consequences for people's living conditions emerge.
Therefore, we combine theoretical inputs with practical project work. Conscious thinking AND direct action lays the foundation for positive changes and a solidarity-based transnational community.

A legal and community center for refugee women and families

Our partner association "Yaşamak Sosyal Alan ve Dayanışma Derneği" opened the gates of their community center in Izmir in September 2020. It is an open, supportive, safe and participatory place with a strong focus on the needs and empowerment of female refugees in Izmir. Wothouq e.V. supports the implementation of various offers in close partnership. We offer both legal and social support and promote the implementation of basic human rights.

The "Legal & Community Center - Yasmak" (= Turkish for life) combines indispensable individual casework to protect basic rights with social activities, workshops and seminars to strengthen community structures and support.

Latest project news

Wir haben 391,33 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Jana Brehm  06 March 2024 at 12:22 PM

Liebe Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützer,

wir möchten uns von ganzem Herzen für eure großzügige und fortwährende Unterstützung bedanken! Eure Spenden haben es möglich gemacht, den Eigenanteil für die Projektförderung sowie Mietkosten sicherzustellen und somit unserer lokalen Partnerorganisation Yasamak Dernegi zu ermöglichen, wichtige Projekte im Bereich der Friedensförderung und Konfliktprävention fortzusetzen.

Dank euch können wir weiterhin für die Rechte und Bedürfnisse marginalisierter, insbesondere geflüchteter Menschen eintreten und sie stärken. Eure Solidarität bedeutet uns unglaublich viel!

Mit herzlichen Grüßen,

Euer Wothouq-Team

Dear supporters,

We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generous and ongoing support! Your donations have made it possible for us to cover our own means for the project funding and rental costs, thus enabling our local partner organisation Yasamak Dernegi to continue important projects in the field of peacebuilding and conflict prevention.

Thanks to you, we can continue to stand up for the rights and needs of marginalised people, especially refugees, and empower them. Your solidarity means an incredible amount to us!

With best regards,

Your Wothouq team

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Sebastian-Bach Strasse 16

Jana Brehm

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