Förderverein LionsClub Frankfurt Cosmopolitan e.V.
managed by S. Dombrink
About us
Förderverein des Lions Clubs Frankfurt-Cosmopolitan e.V.
We serve - we translate our global LIONS principle into our daily work at the grassroots level. As the Friends of the LIONS CLUB FRANKFURT COSMOPOLITAN, we pursue the goal of exclusively and directly promoting charitable purposes. At the same time we support with our work, as well as with our donations in kind and money, refugee (-children) projects, the promotion of youth and elderly assistance, the assistance of needy persons, as well as the targeted support of art and culture. Our projects, which we affectionately call "Activities", have a strong connection to Frankfurt with an international orientation. We are committed to volunteering as much as each of us is able to contribute in addition to our other commitments. We are proud to have collected over 150,000 Euros in donations over a period of 11 years and distributed them to local, national and international projects that are important to us.
Latest project news
Wir haben 243,75 € Spendengelder erhalten
Liebe Spender & Spenderinnen!
Wir danken Ihnen ganz herzlich für Ihren Einsatz, der es uns ermöglicht, unermüdlich den sozialen Projekten des gemeinnützigen Fördervereins hier in Frankfurt weiternachzugehen! Tip Top!!!
Besuchen Sie uns doch gerne wieder auf einer der nächsten Lions Veranstaltungen - entweder am 16.6.2024 im Botanischen Garten bei Literatur Trifft Natur oder am 21.6.2024 auf unserem Golfturnier 2024 am Royal Homburger Golfclub in Bad Homburg.
Beste Grüße,
Ihr Lions Club Frankfurt-Cosmopolitan