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Rocaverde Foundation

managed by Berny S.

About us

We are a non profit organization with headquarters in San Jose, Costa Rica. We will work educating and contributing to environmental related areas, like conservation, use of natural resources, carbon footprint and capture, reforestation, protection of endangered wild species, development of new technologies to fight global warming, among others, with the idea of giving our children & grandchildren a World likely or much better than the one we got from our parents. Our goal is to teach humanity to live in balance with nature and avoid the harmful effects of pollution, which is killing plants and animals in rivers, oceans and shores. We believe we can reach this goal with hard work and commitment from all of humans, through education and responsible thinking. We will not rest until we deliver a safe and clean planet, fully sustainable so that not only humans can survive, but also the animal and vegetable species that have been around us for thousand or millions of years. This organisation cooperates with the Maecenata Foundation:


Km 2.5, 137th St
Vasquez de Coronado
Costa Rica

Berny S.

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