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Art Meets Education e.V.

managed by N. Klein-Allermann

About us

The AME philosophy:
Art fills life in a very personal way through emotions and stories. Art gives us meaning. But is it also possible that art creates education? The organization Art Meets Education e.V. wants to make this possible and to promote the creative potential of children from financially disadvantaged families.

What AME does:
Art Meets Education is an organization that enables education through photography. Children from financially disadvantaged families have the opportunity to create art on their own. The children's pictures are presented in exhibitions, which generate the funds to finance their schooling. With the proceeds of the exhibitions, the children are given 12 years of schooling up to their high school graduation. Further information and a detailed project description can be found on our website.

Latest project news

Wir haben 9,75 € Spendengelder erhalten

  N. Klein-Allermann  12 May 2021 at 10:27 AM

Kunst erfüllt das Leben durch Emotionen und Geschichten für jeden ganz individuell. Kunst schafft Sinn. Doch ist es auch möglich, dass Kunst Bildung schafft? Art Meets Education hat sich genau dies zur Aufgabe gemacht. Wir ermöglichen Bildung durch Fotografie.

Das Geld wird für ein gemeinsames Essen mit unseren Kids verwendet. 

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Beethovenstr. 33

N. Klein-Allermann

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