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projekt:tanz e.V.

managed by L. Klein

About us

Dance is an encounter. It is an encounter with oneself and with others. For the dancers of projekt:tanz dancing is also an encounter with their own disease – Morbus Parkinson.
In this context, dancing represents a non-medical accompanying therapy, which should not only retain and improve their mobility, but also, through the group’s mutual artistic experience, should create a connection to the others and bring joy.
The concept of teaching in projekt:tanz combines elements of ballet and contemporary dance, as well as tap dance and ballroom, whereby the combination of movement and music is in the foreground. In cooperation with young dance teachers the concept of teaching is continually being expanded, so as to demonstrate further aspects of approaches to the subject “Dancing with Parkinson” to interested parties from the realms of dance, ergotherapy and physiotherapy.


Bäckerbreitergang 26 c/o Tybas Dance Center 20355 Hamburg

L. Klein

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