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St. Andrew's Project for the Young

managed by A. Akampurira

About us

This project (St. Andrew’s Project For the Young) intends to help orphans, learners from poor backgrounds, and intelligent children access quality education which can help them survive in the poverty stricken district of Ibanda. However “we see potential in them not poverty”. The school plans to accommodate over 400 children in the next two-three years and possibly expand in future (Africans have many children). The school will be gender sensitive and it will accommodate everyone without religious, tribal, political, racial or any other kind of segregation. We hope this institute will help to modernize the area through promoting literacy. We are very optimistic that things will work out with your support and trust in us. We therefore request your support.
Contribution can change somebody’s life through education by building a good classroom block.



A. Akampurira

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