Moving Mountains e.V.
managed by Tatjana C.
About us
It began with a fateful encounter in the spring of 2013: a journalist was tasked to produce a TV report about the environmentally-friendly activities of a small orphanage in Nepal. But he got more out of it than he expected, much more.
As a result of the global financial crisis, many of the donors to the Jharuwarashi Orphanage could not longer offer their support. The orphanage was running out of money and the futures of more than 60 children and young adults was in doubt. Research was no longer going to be enough – personal engagement was needed.
In Germany, a group of potential helpers spontaneously came together. But over time it became clear that stable funding could only be sustained through the establishment of a non-profit organization. In 2015, Moving Mountains was founded and has been gradually growing ever since. We are looking for more members on the basis that, many hands make light work. It is in this way that every mountain can be moved.
We are going forward in a fun and creative way, also including children and teenagers from German schools into the project. In 2015, a bake sale and charity run brought in much-needed donations.
We will work with the orphanage directly to ensure they receive the help they need. We will support orphanage parents Suresh and Nirmala and not only send money from afar - at least once a year, we will go to see the situation for ourselves to plan what is needed next. The trip will not be financed from the orphanage donations – every cent that is donated, minus bank transaction costs, will go directly to the orphanage.
Wolf Gebhardt
Latest project news
Wir haben 2.393,63 € Spendengelder erhalten
Das Kinderheim Jharuwarashi hat eine andere Finanzierung für die Schulausbildung der Kinder und Jugendlichen gefunden. Wir setzen die Spendengelder deshalb für ein anderes wichtiges Projekt ein - ebenfalls im Bereich Bildung von Kindern in Nepal.
Im ländlichen Nepal gehört die Hilfe auf den Feldern für viele Kinder im Vorschulalter zum Alltag. Sie haben dort kaum oder keinen Kontakt zu anderen Kindern. Für diese Kinder ist der Übergang zum Schulalltag besonders schwierig. Hier setzen staatliche Early Development Centers an - Vorschulen, in denen Kinder spielerisch an das Lernen herangeführt werden. Leider sind diese Vorschulen oft unterfinanziert und schlecht ausgestattet. Mit der Spendensumme werden in solchen Vorschulen Lern-und Spielmaterialien gekauft, die Ausstattung verbessert (z.B. kinderfreundliche Tische angeschafft) sowie Mittagessen bereitgestellt.
c/o Wolf Gebhardt, Mainzer Str. 3
Tatjana C.
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