Life Concern Organisation (LICO)
managed by S. Köcke
About us
LICO is a Local indigenous Non Governmental non-for profit organization established in 2008 as a Community Based Non Governmental Organisation (CBO) and registered as an NGO in February, 2010. LICO aims to positively contribute towards improving the living standards and conditions of those adversely affected by poverty, ill health and HIV and AIDS, with key focus to the vulnerable, disadvantaged rural poor and most at risk populations in Malawi.
The key Areas of Focus of LICO are:
1. HIV/AIDS programs, with focus on Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission (PMTCT)
2. Sexual Reproductive Health and Right targeting youth
3. Climate Change with focus on promotion of renewable energy resources.
LICO is the 2014 UNAIDS Red Ribbon Award winner in the HIV/AIDS treatment, care and support. The red ribbon is a global symbol in the movement to address AIDS. The Red Ribbon Award, presented every two years to only 10 outstanding organizations at the International AIDS Conference, is designed to honor and celebrate community based organizations for their outstanding initiatives that show leadership in reducing the spread and impact of AIDS.
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Die letzten für dieses Projekt benötigten Mittel werden für die erforderliche Stromversorgung, d.h. Einkauf der benötigten Materialien und deren Einbau, sowie für offengebliebene Mauererarbeiten und dem Lackieren der Fenster verwendet.
Sollte aufgrund der aktuellen Marktsituation Geld übrigbleiben, wir dieses in die geplanten Nähkurse für SchülerInnen in den großen Ferien genutzt.
Es wurden 365,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:
Maurerarbeiten 160,00 €Elektroistallation 205,00 €Contact
P.O. Box 145
S. Köcke
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