StrayCoCo Foundation für Strassenhunde
managed by H. Wormser
About us
We are a small Swiss Foundation and every year controlled by the Swiss government. We took up our CNVR (catch/neuter/vaccinate/release) work in Kosovo in January 2015 and since then we neutered/spayed hundreds of stray dogs to stop the reproduction of puppies that have no chance to survive or live an adequate life. Our work is appreciated by the citizens who suffer under an enormous amount of strays! We only work with locals, because we want a lasting effect as a result. It is at the same time an education program for citizens, that learn that spaying/neutering is better than abandon puppies in the streets. Every penny goes directly for dog care.
At the same time we have a Sanctuary at Nagavc/Kosovo for invalid dogs. Furthermore we train local vets in the castration techniques, as most of them are only specialized on large animals. And finally a school program for children is in preparation.
Latest project news
Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:
Mit 35 Euro kann die Behandlung eines Strassenhundes bezahlt werden. Das Projekt findet im Kosovo statt, wo tausende kranke und hungrige Hunde streunen. Spenden ermöglichen einem Strassenhund eine einzige Behandlung im Leben durch einen Veterinär.
Es wurden 35,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:
100 Hundekastrationen plus Impfung 35,00 €Contact
Steinbüelweg 8
H. Wormser
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