managed by R. D-Funda
About us
ABOUT US: NMH Projects is a non-governmental charitable organization based and founded in Ghana. We seek to take volunteer internships to the next level by bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. This we do with treasured time and effort to make the change we need for a better Ghana and the world at large.
NMH Projects started with international student volunteers (Niko from Germany and Matt from UK) who literally paid a higher price for volunteering with other major organizations in supporting deprived Ghanaians.Some challenges they faced during volunteering were;
• Lack of medical supplies and aid for healthcare centers
• Lack of Educational materials and infrastructure for schools.
• Insufficient trusted Personnel for humanitarian duties.
To us, this shouldn’t be the case. At NMH Projects, we make volunteering a pleasurable experience while putting smiles on the face of the people in the communities we serve. In hindsight, we say “Service to humanity” is everything with NMH Projects.
We are self-motivated and dedicated organization trying to enrich the work of previous volunteers in making the communities of Ghana a better place; through education, healthcare and other humanitarian support. This we make a reality with our time, effort, generosity and compassion for the deprived Communities.
1. To bring together thousands of volunteers from across the globe to share ideas and experiences in a bid to improve upon the living conditions of others in the Ghanaian Communities.
2. To reach-out to deprived children, and women who do not have access to good healthcare and education.
3. To educate and transform Ghanaians in the rural and urban communities about good healthcare practices and preventive measures against endemic diseases.
4. Help “off-the-grid” and deprived communities have access to good basic social amenities such as potable water, school block, Mini-clinics, community libraries and electricity.
5. Work in line with other organizations worldwide to tackle critical problems in fighting hunger and poverty in developing countries.
NMH Projects share a common passion of making the world a better place for the vulnerable in our society. This we believe will be achieved by depending on the synergy of various volunteers, tour lovers and campers and other esteemed bodies around the globe who collectively share our valued principles of making impactful progress of bettering the life of Ghanaians and the world at large.
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Nachdem der Brunnen, wie bereits berichtet, längst steht, haben wir nun den Gesamtbetrag an Spenden eingenommen! Vielen, vielen Dank noch einmal an alle, die sich an unserem Projekt beteiligt und uns damit auch in schwierigen Zeiten ermutigt haben, nicht aufzugeben.
Wenn jemand Interesse an der Umsetzung eines eigenen Projektes in Ghana hat, stehe ich natürlich weiterhin gerne zur Verfügung. Weitere Projekte werden mit Sicherheit früher oder später folgen und wir freuen uns schon jetzt, euch davon berichten zu können :)
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