BRH Rettungshundestaffel Region Donau-Iller e.V.
managed by Reinhold Glier
About us
Each year, about 100,000 people are reported missing in Germany!
Many of them got lost, had an accident, sudden health problems were for a walk in the woods. Often there are elderly people or children (40,000!) And most of them have one thing in common: they are sometimes in a life threatening situation from which they can find no way out by themselves.
The BRH Rettungshundestaffel Region Donau-Iller e.V. is one of the largest rescue dog teams Bavaria and belongs to the oldest and largest organization of rescue dogs, the Bundesverband Rettungshunde e.V.. Our primary area includes the departments of Neu-Ulm, Günzburg, Memmingen and Unterallgaeu.
People in such predicaments we can help fast and qualified with our currently 12 certified and ready rescue dogs, as well as 30 active volunteers. We are willing to search the volunteer efforts missing persons and to free themselves from their plight around the clock, including nights and weekends. Our rescue dogs are able to scan inaccessible terrain in a very short time or specifically track missing persons. Emergency teams need to sometimes hours for the same.
We would be very happy if you support our as volunteer work, because the financing of the training and the missions is exclusively covered by membership fees and donations.
We can guarantee you that every cent of your donation is invested in the training, equipment and missions. For your support, you will of course receive a donation receipt.
Latest project news

Wir haben 165,75 € Spendengelder erhalten
Ausbau des Anhängers zu einer Einsatzleitstelle. Kauf von Material, insbesondere Aluminiumprofile und Kleinteile zum Einbau der Halterung für den Stromgenerator, die Beleuchtungselemente und Stative.
Thannbergstraße 15