Isaro Foundation
managed by N. Gabriel
About us
Isaro Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Jean Leon Iragena on October 15th, 2011. Its main goal is to empower the young generation by improving reading and writing skills in Rwanda.
Isaro is a Kinyarwanda word which means "a bead". In Rwandan culture a bead is a sign of smartness.
Isaro Foundation operates in different ways which include: publishing books, giving books to young Rwandans for free and buying short stories and essays from young people of the age between 7 and 18. The edition of the foundation, Isaro edition publishes electronic and non-electronic writings There is also a trimester Isaro magazine full of children’s and youth’s writings. In order to fulfill its objectives, Isaro Foundation gets support from individuals, governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Kigali Public Library building, 1st floor
N. Gabriel
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