Taro Germany e.V.
managed by F. Ekici
About us
We are a non-profit organisation that has been working with local animal rights activists in the Turkish Aegean for 10 years to improve the lives of street animals and solve the problem sustainably. Our focus is on castrations and educating the population in order to achieve a long-term change in thinking.
We run our own rescue center, which currently houses around 220 dogs who have had a difficult fate, are old or sick and would not survive on the street. In addition, we supply numerous street dogs with food and medicine and can thus observe and regulate their populations.
We are currently facing a major challenge: the new killing law in Turkey is forcing us to rethink. Now it is no longer just a question of how we can provide as many street animals as possible with good care, but how we can save their lives so that they do not end up in municipal animal shelters and are killed there.
We are currently more dependent on help than ever!
Latest project news
Wir haben 815,06 € Spendengelder erhalten
Die Spendengelder, die uns über Betterplace zukamen wurden erfolgreich in den Bau der neuen Gehege investiert. Dank weiterer Spenden und der Unterstützung anderer Organisationen, konnten bereits 11 Hundegehege und das Katzengehege fertiggestellt werden. Das ist so großartig und wir bedanken uns nochmals bei allen Spendern! Ihr gebt uns die Kraft weiter zu machen!
F. Ekici
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