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Ev. Mission in Solidarität e.V.

managed by C. Kuntz

About us

Worldwide network

Church at the local level and worldwide, in common witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ – EMS links people of different languages and cultures in three continents. 23 Protestant churches and five mission societies in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East form a network of historical, long-term partnerships.

Some connections go far back to the early days of mission. For example, missionary societies started their work in South Africa in 1737, in Ghana in 1828, in India in 1834, in the Middle East in 1860 and in Japan in 1884. Other churches joined the EMS Fellowship in search of reliable partners, e.g. the churches in Indonesia and Korea in the 70s and 80s. All the German churches maintain and foster partnerships with churches in our Fellowship in Africa and Asia. The mission societies have their roots in these churches.

Friendly relations exist with other churches in Africa, Asia and Latin America through mission 21 and the Missionary Association of the Moravian Church in Germany.

We have set ourselves ambitious targets. The EMS raises the duty which all Christians have to an international level: "God our Saviour, who desires everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." (1st Epistle to Timothy 2:4). That is our duty. That is our mission. In detail it means the following:
- We carry out joint missionary programmes.
- We support member churches locally.
- The EMS stands by its members in crisis situations.
- It raises its voice on behalf of its members.
- We send co-workers to carry out missionary and welfare service at other churches.
- We support the partnership work of our members.
- We promote ecumenical learning.
- We promote cross-cultural exchange.
- We provide financial support to missionary and theological projects of our members.
- We support social work and education.
- We provide funds for programmes to combat poverty, promote justice and peace and preserve the creation in our member churches.

Latest project news

Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:

  C. Kuntz  28 September 2015 at 03:06 PM

Die gesammelten Spendengelder werden zur Unterstützung der Kinderheime in Südindien eingesetzt. Um gerade Mädchen eine Lebenschance zu bieten, unterstützt die EMS mehr Heime für Mädchen als für Jungen. Sie finden in den Heimen ein neues Zuhause und Geborgenheit. Sie können endlich regelmäßig zur Schule gehen. Denn das erste Anliegen der Heime ist es, den Kindern eine gute Ausbildung zu ermöglichen. Viele Kinder können an ihre Schulzeit eine Ausbildung anschließen. Junge Leute mit einer Ausbildung finden in Indien in aller Regel auch eine Arbeitsstelle.

Es wurden 25,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:

Helfen Sie Schule für die Kinder zu ermöglichen! 25,00 €
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Vogelsangstr. 62

C. Kuntz

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