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ARISE Foundation Uganda

managed by J. Kessler

About us

The ARISE Foundation Uganda is a registered non-profit child care and Life Skills organization based in Uganda East Africa. We Arise for At Risk children, ARISE is located in the slum areas of Lusaka Kirombe Makindye District just outside Kampala the capital city of Uganda. It was founded by Jude Nyanzi a Ugandan together with other 10 members in September 2008 and it was officially registered in March 2011.

To provide child care support and life skills to at-risk children/youth and the adults who care for them. We enable children/youths to achieve their highest potential as law abiding citizens.

An appropriate, interdenominational service provider to At Risk children in Uganda which can be extended to and or adopted by regions beyond the borders regardless of race, culture, religion or any other reason.

ARISE’s mission is to provide children with the tools they need to survive, succeed, and become super-productive members of the society. To reach out to populations with training, guidance, counselling and supply of relevant materials.

Core Values:
Integrity and truthfulness, Moral & Work Ethics, Transparency & Accountability.

Our Objectives:
- To provide life skills to at-risk children.
- To provide care, financial, material, and psycho-social support to persons with disabilities(PWDs), orphans and other vulnerable children(OVCs).
- To support Education Service provision to underserved communities.
- To initiate and support sustainable livelihood initiatives focused on most at risk populations and their respective caregivers.
- To support promotion of marital fidelity among young marrieds and couple HIV counselling testing and referral.
- To build partnerships and collaboration with other organisations with similar aspirations.
- To recognise people who excel in various talents/professions/vocations as an inspiration to the young people.
- To create awareness and do advocacy on various issues like health, human rights and environment.
- To participate in both local and international meetings and forums in line with the activities of the organisation.
- To promote business excellence and entrepreneurship especially among marginalised people groups like the young people.

Latest project news

Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:

  J. Kessler  29 November 2016 at 05:48 PM

Bau neuer Schulgebäude für weitere Klassenzimmer, da in der Zwischenzeit knapp 300 Kinder die Schule besuchen. Außerdem werden neue Tische, Stühle und Tafeln sowie weitere Ausstattung für die Klassenzimmer benötigt. 

Es wurden 39,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:

Bau eines Schulgebäudes - Stützpfeiler 25,00 €Bau eines Schulgebäudes - Holzwände 14,00 €
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Lusaka Kirombe Zone 5, Plot 487 Makindye

J. Kessler

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