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Idente Jugend

managed by Idente Jugend D.

About us

Idente Youth is an international association founded by Fernando Rielo in Spain and formed by children, teenagers, and young adults who want to identify themselves with the greatest and most noble ideals and values of humanity (such as peace, unity, friendship, faith, openness, loyalty, sacrifice, love), fostering mutual respect, independently of creed, nationality, culture or any other difference we might have. In this manner, the Idente Youth dedicates itself to live and develop common aspirations that dignify and fulfill the human person.

Its purpose is to help restore and transform nature and society - beginning with oneself - through the promotion, development, and manifestation of the interior richness that defines the human being. In the living out of this richness are founded the highest values that have as their model the life and testimony of Christ. Every human being, of whatever creed and condition, can accept as the hypothesis the possibility that in Him is contained the unity, direction, and meaning of life and history. For this reason, an Idente youth believes that Christ incarnates, through the generosity of love, all human virtues and ideals.
The Rule of Honor of the Idente Youth is "Ad Deum Propter Humanitatem", to God by Means of Humanity.

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Spendengelder, die nicht mehr für das Projekt ausgegeben werden können

  (Deleted User)  14 July 2017 at 02:15 PM

Liebe Spender,
bei Projekten, bei denen Spendengelder über einen langen Zeitraum hinweg nicht angefordert wurden, sehen das Gesetz und unsere Nutzungsbedingungen vor, dass die Spenden von der gemeinnützigen AG (Betreiberin von zeitnah für deren satzungsmäßige Zwecke verwendet werden müssen.

Deshalb setzen wir die noch nicht verwendeten Spendengelder für diese Zwecke ein

Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung,

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C/ Jorge Juan 82, 1º 6

Idente Jugend D.

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