Hilfsverein für URICT - Uganda
managed by R. Roessler
About us
The Benevolent Society "Hilfsverein für URICT-Uganda" supports the NGO URICT-Uganda in Kamuli, eastern Uganda.
URICT – Uganda owns, runs and operates URICT - Joy Orphanage Children's Home for 50 HIV/AIDS Orphans from Child-headed families without any relatives, URICT - Community School for 375 HIV/AIDS Children, a Micro finance Program for Rural Villager widows and Teenager Mothers, a Program of food Security, a Program for Access to Safe Clean Water, URICT - Vocational and Life Skills Training Center, a Program for ending fistula and Maternal death and end to Child and Human Sacrifice.
URICT operates entirely in Busoga Eastern Uganda. URICT-Uganda is Charitable, Non Governmental Organization by the National NGO Board under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uganda. URICT implements community based Projects at the Grassroots. URICT was birthed out of commitment, love, hope and prayers by Andrew Gabula, Dr. Monica Mukyala and Victoria Namukasa (Mrs.) way back in time but started implementing projects in May/2005.
URICT-Uganda will be grateful for any kind of assistance and partnership from any infividual, organization, hospital, corporation, scholl and foundation in order to omprove and expand our programs for woman and children in remote areas oft he Kamuli district in the Busoga region of Eastern Uganda.
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Mit dem Geld wird eine Schutzmauer um das Gelände errichtet. Damit werden die Kinder im Waisenhaus vor Entführungen geschützt. Kinder werden in Uganda nach wie vor entführt um sie als Menschenopfer zu ermorden.
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R. Roessler
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