Awely, Wildlife and People
managed by R. Fulconis
About us
Awely is an international non-profit organisation based in France, created in 2005. Since its inception, we have aimed to put our enthusiasm and our competence in the service of the conservation of endangered species and the ecosystems they share. But since then, in order to achieve our goals in a sustainable way, we have chosen to put the people at the center of our actions.
Though over-consumption, basic consumption and even more simply through basic survival in the poorest regions of the planet, and most often in full conscience, our species is destroying its environment and treasures and creating a vicious spiral that may well cause our disappearance. However, we are convinced that if man is indeed responsible for the dire problems of today’s world, man is also capable of reversing this decline. Further, different conservation methods often soon reveal their limitations. When the anticipated results do not happen, it is perhaps the case that human populations are not implicated deeply enough. In fact, it seems to us that trying to change the future of endangered species and ecosystems when, all too often, the neighbouring human populations lack even the most rudimentary means for survival is not only ethically intolerable but also totally inefficient over the long-term. So we maintain that conservation and development projects must proceed together.
This is a long-term endeavour, and we must establish solid bonds of trust with those populations whose activities contribute to the disappearance of species as well as with those who suffer from living among these animals. We do not offer “aid” to these populations, but rather, along with them, we construct a collaboration to help them achieve their own projects to live independently.
Latest project news
News from the field
Our two Green Caps, John Bolola and Geneviève Eyau in the region are currently visiting more of our target groups. They are heading South from our headquarter in Basankusu to meet some hunters groups, who unfortunately, have a deep impact on the wild bonobo population. Our work aims at finding solutions with them to find alternatives to the hunt of our closest relatives which are frequently found on the bushmeat markets.
Awely will be visiting the programme at the end on November and we will have lots of news and pictures to share with you!
Renaud FulconisExecutive Director
3 rue de la croix blanche
R. Fulconis
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