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Little Bamboo Deutschland eV

managed by Anne B.

About us

Erziehung fuer 400 Kinder Cebu City in den Philippinen mit einem Kindergarten, eine Krippe, ein Sponsorship, und ein Family development program. Hilfe nach dem Taifun.

We are a Filipino charity foundation with a solid track record, over 400 beneficiaries with children from the slums of Cebu’s harbour.
Our qualified team of 15 Filipinos & a 8 member-board runs a pre-school, a scholarship and a family development program.

Overview of the programs
Development and Education
Pre-school adapted to the needs of 140 children
Sponsorship of over 300 elementary & high school students
Family development program following up 80 families
Emergency programs:
Child-care centre
Supporting elderly people

Our philosophy
The parents of Little Bamboo children can give them a good education irrespective of their poverty
By taking part in our program, families commit to either make a small financial contribution, or to spend time supporting the school

Latest project news

Wir haben 1.023,75 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Anne B.  22 July 2020 at 05:55 PM

Our beneficiaries are all in lock down - which can lead to dramatic situations. We were lucky that the virus has not spread too much in Cebu City and Little Bamboo had 3 families and 1 part-time staff  who tested positive in May-June. All were asymptomatic and released from isolation centers.
All schools are closed inclusive ours but we decided to help our children distributing relief packs and rice. We are also working on our programs and concepts to adjust to this new ara and preparing for the back to school in smaller groups with more hygiene and fever check before the children enter our premises. Thank you for your help!

Proposed Supplementary Guidelines for LBF Operations in the Time of the Pandemic  1.       Context

1.1.     Cebu City is densely populated and as such, a COVID-19 transmission high risk area[1].  We expect intermittent lockdowns and easing of restrictions depending on number of cases and hospital capacities. Little Bamboo beneficiaries and personnel may get infected with the virus any time[2]. 1.2.     The National ECCD Council[3] recommends the full delivery of health, nutrition, early education and social services in homes or alternative venues but not in (day care) centers, until IATF[4] approves face-to-face gathering of 0 to 4 year-olds.  Incidentally, RAFI asked Little Bamboo if we can adopt the home-based approach as suggested.  We told them our play-based approach requires trained teachers and we cannot expect our parents to implement/follow-through weekly instructions. 1.3.     The IATF-approved Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan of Dep Ed allows the reopening of classes on August 24, 2020 subject to the geographical area’s COVID risk classification.  Public schools will provide blended learnings: modular, online, face-to-face in low-risk areas and other modes of delivery.  All co-curricular/curricular activities that involve gatherings are cancelled. 1.4.     Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Advisory No.7 that person-to-person mode of instruction for college is available only under MGCQ (modified general community quarantine) and not earlier than September 1, 2020.  Full online mode can start on May 31, 2020, while flexible mode anytime in August 2020.  Under GCQ, only a skeleton workforce in universities and colleges is allowed to deliver essential services.  Since Cebu City has been under ECQ for months, colleges and universities have been physically closed. Many students are in limbo.    1.5.     Little Bamboo beneficiaries’ enrolment status 1.5.1.  Little Bamboo preschool – 43 kids considered enrolled in LBF Nursery 2 (no formal enrolment yet)1.5.2.  Public school kindergarten – 65 children  1.5.3.  Elementary (Grades 1 to 6) – 225 children1.5.4.  Junior high school (Grades 7 to 10) – 81 students1.5.5.  Senior high school (Grades 11 and 12) – Only 11 of the 21 qualified LBF students enrolled so far.  The others are waiting for clear instructions/guidelines from their respective schools.  Some may decide not to enroll this year because of uncertainties – schools/courses unclear, need for laptops and internet, high risk for covid infection, transportation lack, etc.  1.5.6.  College – Of the 12 qualified college students, only 1 is enrolled.  The rest are still waiting for clear announcements/guidelines from their respective schools.  They will decide to enroll or defer enrolment next schoolyear depending on requirements and COVID situation.      1.6.     Little Bamboo operations during pandemic 1.6.1.  Current staffing – 4 teachers and 1 cook in preschool, 2 CSP, 1 FCSP, 1 Finance, 1 Manager (Slots not filled up 2 program assistants, 1 driver and 1 janitress) 1.6.2.  Working-from-home, transitioning to digital / online1.6.3.  Working as a team/unit – while still retaining main job function, each one helps out to do the urgent tasks at hand – example: relief distribution, enrolment campaign, contacting / monitoring parents and children, contacting schools/ class advisers, monitoring external developments, cleaning classrooms and office  2.       General Policy

2.1.     As much as possible, Little Bamboo shall deliver its main services[5] in accordance with our mission of “helping children develop and complete their education so they become responsible and productive members of society,” amidst the limitations brought about by the pandemic.   2.2.     Little Bamboo operations shall abide by the guidelines of IATF, LGU, Dep Ed, DSWD and other regulatory bodies in the delivery of services. 2.3.     Little Bamboo shall ensure the protection and safety of its beneficiaries and staff.   3.       Delivery of Services

3.1.     When the IATF permits the gathering of 3 and 4 year- old preschoolers, Little Bamboo shall open the preschool with these precautions. Reducing physical contact / Social distancing3.1.1.  Preschoolers shall only have 3 sessions a week: Group A comes to class Monday-Wednesday-Friday while Group B comes on Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday.   3.1.2.  Number of children per session: 10 to 11.  Since there are 2 teacher per class, each teacher can handle 5 to 6 kids and help ensure social distancing of at least one meter apart.   |    | Morning Session | Afternoon Session | TOTAL
 |    | MWF | TTS | MWF | TTS |   
 | Nursery 1 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 40
 | Nursery 2 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 10 | 43
 | TOTAL |    |    |    |    | 83 3.1.3.  Education tours and activities that require gathering of children and where social distancing cannot be realistically implemented are cancelled.3.1.4.  The daily routine shall be followed as much as possible, observing physical distancing.3.1.5.  Only 10-12  children can ride the vehicle to observe physical distancing. Early detection  3.1.6.  Before entering school premises or boarding pick-up service vehicle, a child must wear face mask, his/her temperature checked and his/her hands sanitized with alcohol.  3.1.7.  Children with fever (at least 37.5 reading), cough or colds will not be allowed to board vehicle or enter school.  Instead, the parent will be advised to bring child to barangay officials for testing. Additional hygiene precautions3.1.8.  Children shall wash their hands at least 3 times – upon arrival, before/after eating, upon departure3.1.9.  Washing of toys after each session.3.1.10.     No sharing of toys, materials.  Enrolment of Nursery 1 children adjustments3.1.11.     Notification will rely more on online announcement and referral system.  We will ask our parents to refer potential applicants in their neighborhood.3.1.12.     Only applicants wearing face masks and observing social distancing will be entertained.3.1.13.     Little Bamboo shall put plastic barriers during interview with parents and children.3.1.14.     Staff can wear gloves and a face shield over face mask during interview with parents.3.1.15.     Responsible LBF parents shall be requested to validate information through home visit, if staff cannot conduct the home visit. 3.2.     Child Sponsorship3.2.1.  All student development activities that involve gathering are cancelled.3.2.2.  LBF shall assist student beneficiaries with the blended learning approach – monitor their difficulties and help them find ways to cope with the new normal.    3.2.3.  Little Bamboo shall explore possibilities of ways to finance school fees, tuition, school materials and projects with minimum face-to-face contact.  For example, online payments to schools when available.3.2.4.  Give a one-year leeway for children/parents who opt not to enroll in school because of fear of contracting COVID, no gadget/internet, no transportation (for SHS and college), no funds. 3.3.     Family and child support3.3.1.  Help parents/families adjust to the new normal.3.3.2.  Share information on COVID-19 updates affecting beneficiaries, including nutrition and hygiene in the light of the pandemic.3.3.3.  Refer suspected COVID-19 beneficiaries to barangay. 3.3.4.  Conduct parent development activities online.  4.       Management and Organization

4.1.     Adjustments in the work situation4.1.1.  Work-from-home.  As per advice of government and health officials, all staff shall work from home to limit spread of the virus.4.1.2.  Working in the office. Working in the office shall be limited to essential activities like delivery of services where face-to-face cannot be avoided or maintenance/cleaning work.4.1.3.   Working days and hours.  Mondays to Fridays with special predetermined and agreed activities for weekends as the need arise. Eight (8) hours a day or 40 working hours a week.  Staff should be available/on-call during office hours.4.1.4.  Online meetings. At least one staff meeting a week.  Special meetings, group meetings, consultations are done if needed.  4.2.     Safety protocol while in the office4.2.1.  Observe social distancing. Always wear a face mask.  Wash hands frequently.4.2.2.  Alcohol, soap and water should always be readily available to keep hands free from coronavirus.4.2.3.  If face-to-face delivery of service cannot be avoided, conduct this in the open air observing social distancing and face mask. 4.2.4.  If a visitor needs to be in the office, ensure visitor wears a face mask and place a plastic barrier (like in banks) between visitor and staff. 4.3.      Compliance   4.3.1.  Be updated on IATF notifications and promptly comply4.3.2.  Be updated with adjusted deadlines and guidelines of regular compliance requirements (BIR, SEC, LGU, DSWD, PCNC, etc.) brought about by the COVID-19 disruption 4.4.     Start transitioning to digital / online operations for the long haul, especially finance procedures. 
[1] As of July 15, 2020, Cebu City has 7,685 cases: of which 3,155 are active cases (96 new cases); 4,141 are recovered cases and 389 deaths.  Cebu City has been on ECQ lockdown since April, status downgraded to modified ECQ July 16-31, 2020.[2] Little Bamboo had 3 families and 1 part-time staff (bookkeeper Genesa) who tested positive in May-June.  All were asymptomatic and released from isolation centers.[3] National ECCD Council – government agency tasked to provide support to government’s early child development programs for 0-4 years old, especially day care centers.    [4] IATF – Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Disease [5] LBF main services: play-based early child development, nutrition and health for preschool, education support for K to 12 and college, student development, parent formation, psychosocial services/casework, family support through referrals and emergency assistance.

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Frankfurt am Main