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managed by M. Gloeckle

About us

Pro REGENWALD is committed to protecting and conserving the natural diversity of forests, particularly - but not exclusively - in tropical regions. Working in cooperation with indigenous peoples and the local population Pro REGENWALD seeks to contribute to a development which is sensitive to local realities.

In pursuit of these objectives, Pro REGENWALD supports projects and individuals working towards the same goals and links them with each other. The organisation conducts background research about deforestation and forest degradation and provides information about the underlying causes. Pro REGENWALD also works towards reducing the drivers of global forest destruction.

We believe that forests, like other ecosystems, can only be preserved if humanity adopts a globally sustainable lifestyle and economic system. Industrialized states need to take a leading role, acting as driving force where innovative and fundamental change is required and possible.

Pro REGENWALD has set itself four main goals:

1. To conserve and protect the natural diversity of forests, particluarly in tropical zones – but also in other regions – and restore degraded forests.

2. To protect indigenous people and their cultures promoting their sovereignty and development.

3. To run educational projects, conduct research and to halt policies destructive of forests and our wasteful economy, encourageing consumers to adopt an environmentally sustainable lifestyle.

4. To facilitate working towards forest conservation for projects in countries with a high deforestation rate by transferring financial means and offering advice.

Latest project news

Sommercamp 2024

  Elizabeth Heller  24 June 2024 at 04:18 PM

Liebe UnterstützerInnen,  Ihr habt uns geholfen, "Kinder für die Umwelt" möglich zu machen. Vielen Dank noch einmal dafür. Seitdem ist fast ein Jahr vergangen und wir planen bereits das nächste Sommercamp.  

Das diesjährige Motto lautet: "Lasst uns gemeinsam lernen, unseren Planeten zu schützen".  Wir wollen ca. 150 Kinder von Kpime Seva und Amoussokope zu einem weiteren Sommercamp voller Freude und toller Aktivitäten zum Schutz ihrer Umwelt an der Schule Anna Maria einladen.  

Das Team von jukke projekt hat LehrerInnen und Eltern zusammengebracht, um ein vielfältiges Programm auf die Beine zu stellen und das Beste daraus zu machen. Pro REGENWALD unterstützt diese schöne Initiative zum zweiten Mal.  

Möchtest du auch in diesem Jahr das Sommercamp unterstützen? Das würde uns und vor allem die Kinder sehr freuen!  

Beste Grüße,
jukke und Pro REGENWALD 

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Frohschammerstr. 14

M. Gloeckle

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