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Stadt macht satt- ernte die Stadt

managed by A. Fiedler

About us

Stadt macht satt- Harvest the City

The city offers a rich harvest:
City nature is rich in unused delicacies like fruit trees and wild plants. In our society, city surplus means tons of food lands in the garbage every day. City gardening can transform even the smallest plots into productive mini-fields. Stadt macht satt- harvest the city offers a new way of looking at how we eat. Fun in the kitchen and in the garden makes sustainable activity “palatable”.
We offer training courses, workshops, school project weeks, and accompanying school projects for you subject on the themes of nutrition, sustainable economy, and ESD.

City cooking is creative fun in the kitchen:
Developing new recipes and creations using what there is. Harvesting wild foods and urban crops, preserving and storing them correctly. Resulting in unique products that cannot be found in the shops. Which are also low-resource, ecologically sound, and climate friendly. Whether for kindergarten, school, old-age home or private households, city cooking is child’s play, and we’re happy to cook up new culinary treasures with you.

City gardening:
Salad trees, window gardens, plant bags. There are many methods and ideas for growing foodstuffs in small spaces. Stadt macht satt collects and develops city-compatible DIY cultivation methods and shows how and where useful plants can be located. Whether on a temporary fence or permanently in the school yard, the pleasure of gardening offers many and varied points of reference for teaching on scientific and ecological topics and for implementing social and sustainable concepts.

Sustainable action
Doing something good and earning money from it. Stadt macht satt turns conventional school catering companies into sustainable businesses with an ecologically and socially viable model. Using the city harvest, schoolchildren can develop their own dishes, spreads and drinks, which are healthy, sustainable and affordable for their fellow pupils.

Stadt macht satt won several awards and the UNESCO has declared the initiative an exemplary project for communicating sustainable thinking and behaviour to children and adults.

Latest project news

Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:

  A. Fiedler  10 November 2014 at 12:07 PM

Fazit Erntesaison 2014

Apfelschätze hat mit dieser Saison jetzt die 20 Tonnen Marke an geretteten Äpfel erklommen.
An die 400 Berliner haben wir mit heimischem Obst versorgt und über 40 Kitas und Schulen.

Zum Abschluss der Saison werden wir am Samstag nochmal in Kopperation von Foodsharing ernten. Unser Ziel ist über 1 Tonne. Diese wollen wir öffentlich dann verschenken.

Danke an alle Unterstützer!
Wenn wir mit der Crowdfunding-Aktion in der nächsten Saison für 2 Jobs und Logistik das Geld zusammen bekommen werden wir noch weit mehr Äpfel retten können.
Deshalb unetstürten Sie uns bitte weiter auf dem Weg nach einer regionalen Lebensmittelversorgung im Einklang mit der Natur.

Es wurden 625,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:

Leitern groß 6 m 25,00 €Apfelsortenbestimmen/ Kartographierung/ Baumpfege 600,00 €
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Habersaathstr. 39

A. Fiedler

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