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Blaues Kreuz in Deutschland e.V.

managed by E. Fast

About us

The Blue Cross in Germany strives to alleviate the harm caused by alcohol and other addictive substances to prevent addiction. We are closely connected to political stakeholders and the medical sector, judges and lawyers, associations and authorities involved in the counseling and treatment of alcoholics and their relatives. With our qualified pedagogues, psychologists and volunteers, the Blue Cross runs its own counseling centers and homes.
Around 5,700 registered members of more than 1,100 groups and clubs are primarily responsible for alcohol and drug-addicted people. Some 400 full-time employees are involved, among others, in the support of volunteers as well as in outpatient and inpatient facilities. Our work dates back to 1885, when the main branch of Blue Cross Germany has been established in Wuppertal.
Our members are committed to a non-alcoholic lifestyle and Christian values.

Latest project news

Wir haben 52,49 € Spendengelder erhalten

  E. Fast  02 February 2022 at 04:18 PM

Liebe SpenderInnen,
wir bedanken uns herzlich für die Unterstützung dieses wertvollen Arbeitszweiges im Blaues Kreuz. In den vergangenen Jahren war und ist es uns möglich die Begleitung Suchtkrimineller in Wohngruppen innerhalb des Strafvollzuges weiterzuführen und unser Team zu vergrößern. Sollten Sie Interesse an der Entwicklung unserer Arbeit haben, finden Sie hier mehr:  Blaues Kreuz: Suchthilfe im Gefängnis ( 

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