CASE Hanover Park
managed by Barbara L.
About us
CASE has been functioning as a Community-Based Organization in the troubled area of Hanover Park in South Africa since 2001.
CASE was started by Lane Benjamin, a Clinical Psychologist, who identified a need for trauma intervention due to a rising level of prevalent violence and a definite decline in relational values. To this day CASE is run by volunteers of all ages drawn from the community of Hanover Park and has become an effective catalyst for transformation.
Violence is perhaps the most damaging legacy of South Africa's political history. Socially sanctioned violence has filtered into the most private places - the home and the family. It is having a devastating impact on individuals, families, schools and neighborhoods. The cycle can be broken!
The CASE model is an unprecedented model of intervention that will transform communities devastated by psychological and economic challenges -one member at a time.CASE constantly creates opportunities that people would otherwise not have and it’s through these opportunities that a new generation of community leaders will be born.
CASE adopts a 4-pronged approach to intervening in violent communities:
1. Psychology-based Counseling to reduce the effects and consequences of living in a violent community
2. Awareness-raising to normalize the effects of violence and to educate around related issues
3. Community development projects where training is delivered and skills can be taught to equip community members
4. Networking and developing partnerships with like-minded agencies to unite against the scourge of criminal violence and gangsterism
Latest project news
I triggered a payout for these needs:
Die gesammelten Spendengelder werden fuer counseling oder andere notwendinge Taetigkeiten in dem Projekt benuetzt. Eine Spende ist eine freiwillige Zuwendung für einen religiösen, wissenschaftlichen, gemeinnützigen, kulturellen, wirtschaftlichen oder politischen Zweck [1]. Spendenempfänger können gemeinnützige Vereine, Stiftungen, politische Parteien oder Religionsgemeinschaften sein. Spenden können in Geld oder Sachleistungen bestehen oder in einem Verzicht auf Entlohnung für geleistete Arbeit
Athwood Road
Hanover Park 7780
South Africa
Barbara L.
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