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managed by E. Lindenschmidt

About us

TIERART e.V. is registered in the register of associations and recognized as a non-profit organization. With the help of our members and sponsors, rescue stations for injured, sick, abandoned and confiscated wild animals and exotic species have been established in various German states, in order to enable effective animal and species protection.

We want that

- wild animals in need get their "second chance": wild animals injured in car accidents and young animals found orphaned should be cared for and, if possible, released back into the wild;

- exotic wild animals illegally imported into Germany - e.g. parrots, turtles, reptiles - should be housed and cared for in a manner appropriate to their species;

- circus animals that are not kept in a species-appropriate manner and are confiscated by the authorities can be given better accommodation;

- our children grow up more close to nature again: we want to be a nature conservation learning place for young peole

Latest project news

Wir haben 253,01 € Spendengelder erhalten

  E. Lindenschmidt  20 December 2023 at 06:34 PM

Die erreichte Spendensumme wird zur Anschaffung eines Inkubtors für junge Wildtiere eingesetzt. Dieser wird dringend benötigt, um sehr kleine bzw. junge Wildtiere optimal versorgen zu können. Derzeit müssen wir mittels Wärmekissen oder Wärmflaschen dafür sorgen, dass die Tiere ihre Körpertemperatur halten können und nicht auskühlen. Durch den Inkubator wird dies viel besser und konstant möglich sein.

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Tierartstraße 1

E. Lindenschmidt

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