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Change the world with your donation


managed by Dawud N.

About us

(recognized non-profit organization | based in Gelsenkirchen, Germany)
"Whosoever saves one life, it shall be as if he had saved the whole mankind“

♥ We all work voluntarily – Without any exception!
♥ We help anyone who is in desperate need – Regardless of one's ancestry or one's faith!
♥ We help especially the needy with individual fates – Vulnerable women and children will be taken care of first!
♥ We organize medical surgeries in Germany – Especially for children!
♥ We support disabled people and distribute wheelchairs and mobilization devices worldwide!
♥ We are familiar with the countries and are also acquainted with the different languages. – That's why we can offer aid in a very efficient way in these countries.

Brief excerpt of the countries in which we offer help :
Bangladesh, Burma/Myanmar, Bosnia, Indonesia, Morocco, Serbia, Somalia, Syria, Gaza, Lebanon, Turkey, Germany, Afghanistan etc..

Our four main pillars :
1. Medical emergency aid
2. Catastrophes emergency support
3. Helping people to help themselves and educational programs
4. Intercultural cooperations

In 2017 TUISA e.V. was invited to the „Bürgerfest“ by the German Federal President Mr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier. We were honored there for our outstanding social achievements.
A huge honor to us! ♥

You want to know more?
Feel free to get in touch with us!
Looking forward to get to know to you!

Cheers from the whole TUISA-Team! ♥

Latest project news

Spendengelder, die nicht mehr für das Projekt ausgegeben werden können

  betterplace-Team  13 December 2022 at 01:42 PM

Liebe Spender,
bei Projekten, bei denen Spendengelder über einen langen Zeitraum hinweg nicht angefordert wurden, sehen das Gesetz und unsere Nutzungsbedingungen vor, dass die Spenden von der gemeinnützigen AG (Betreiberin von zeitnah für deren satzungsmäßige Zwecke verwendet werden müssen.
Deshalb setzen wir die noch nicht verwendeten Spendengelder für diese Zwecke ein
Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung,

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Devensstr. 75

Dawud N.

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