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Mitzwe Makers e.V.

managed by Steven G.

About us

Founded in January 2013, Mitzwe Makers e.V. is a nonprofit organization, which creates and plans a diverse range of charitable projects within its Jewish and non-Jewish surroundings. The word "mitzwe" is yiddish for "good deed"; the organization considers itself and all its helpers as the achievers of good deeds. Its objective is to make it simple for anyone to participate in charity work according to their abilities and interests regardless of age, gender or religion.

The Mitzwe Makers aim to make the world a better place, one small mitzwe at a time. Just a few minutes of your time could change someone else's life.

Latest project news

Wir haben 2.120,72 € Spendengelder erhalten

  Steven G.  01 February 2024 at 11:00 AM

Wir freuen uns unglaublivch über die viele. Spenden. Damit könnten wir wie geplant 100 Rucksäcke an Möwe Jonathan und an Schiller 25 übergeben, die diese an Münchner Wohnungslose verteilt haben. Danke für Ihre großzügige Unterstützung, die es ermöglicht hat 100 Menschen, die von der Kälte bedroht sind, wärmer durch die kalten Winternächte zu bringen.

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Steven G.

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