Tameside Autism Group
managed by G. Caine
About us
Tameside Autism Group . provides in some way basic help initiatives for autistic spectrum people within Tameside . Glossop and Local Areas . ( anyone can attend ) with a Social Club drop in on a monthly basis . There is also some initiatly member paid for ( though a financial struggle ) initiatives such as website applications ( www.tameside-autism.org.uk ) and Mobile Phone website ( www.tameside-autism.mobi ) and internet station ( www.tameside-autism-radio.org.uk ) . Plus there is soon to be a android application from website .
If some funds could be provided a . Priority of the Group would be for
Autistic Courses ( that would possibly give members better life chances and coping help )
An increase with the shoutcast server for internet station
Refreshment monies pot help
N.B. some of the members are elderly and have had a diagnosis . THOUGH no aftercare course help and the area where this group is contains up to possibly 230,000 people . some could be not aware that we exist and that can provide some . basic help .
Some of the members have life tragedy issues of . being financialy exploited ( with a wrong business contract ) some being unemployed and can't find work ( rely on benefits ) some sacked from jobs for possibly being autistic .
If you want to know any greater details of some of the member distress do forward a message via website
Thankyou !
SK14 1NF
Greater Manchester
G. Caine
New message