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Peace Support Network & Peace Direct

managed by Sabrina E.

About us

Peace Support Network (PSN) e.V. and Peace Direct e.V. together support peacebuilding projects through betterplace.

Peace Direct is e.V. a charitable organisation based in Berlin as well as London and New York.
We believe that local people have the power to find their own solutions to conflict – and to build their own better futures.
Our mission is to help them make this happen.
In the world’s most fragile countries, we seek out dynamic individuals and organisations who are making a real difference, building peace from the grassroots up: people who are preventing conflict in the places where it starts – locally. Local people are the key to preventing, resolving and healing conflicts. They are the best way to break recurrent cycles of violence and make peace last. And increasingly they want to move away from depending on outside help, towards building their own futures.
They are disarming rebels, resettling refugees, protecting the vulnerable, uniting communities and restarting economies. They work at great personal risk to prevent, resolve and heal conflicts, and break the cycles of violence.
We help this strategic shift, and we add value to their efforts on the ground. Firstly, we raise funds for their programmes and offer management support and advice. Secondly, we build recognition for their work, to put them in touch with those in the wider world who can assist with funds and influence. And thirdly, we promote the concept of locally led peacebuilding to the international community, so that others will adopt our approach too.
Peace Support Network is a charitable organization based in Wuppertal, founded in 2010. Our members are based across Germany. We support outstanding civil society projects in conflict regions that can demonstrate their impact on reconciliation and conflict transformation. Most of these projects are peacebuilding initiatives which we have visited ourselves.

Investors and donors who trust us due to our effectiveness and 0 per cent administrational costs, enable us to directly support these peace initiatives.

Trust is essential. Therefore, we establish long-term relations with those peacebuilding projects that we support. Many of these projects have been known to us for a long time through our partner organisation “Peace Counts”. All projects that are supported by us are examined regularly by an independent scientific advisory board, whose members also work pro bono. Through this approach we ensure to only support effective projects.

We invite you to support these outstanding peacebuilders around the world together with us.
These Peace Entrepreneurs work with courage and entrepreneurial spirit to bring their countries back on the road to peace - sustainably, innovatively, and successfully.

Latest project news

Für diese Bedarfe habe ich eine (Teil-)Auszahlung veranlasst:

  Sabrina E.  26 November 2013 at 11:11 AM

Herzlichen Dank an alle Spender, die einen Beitrag zur Friedensförderung leisten und so mithelfen, die Welt ein wenig besser zu machen.
Die gesammelten Spendengelder fließen direkt an das Centre for Peacebuilding and Reconciliation (CPBR) in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Dort werden sie dafür verwendet, Jugendliche darin auszubilden, in Sri Lanka Friedensförderung und Versöhnung anhand von Fotografie voranzutreiben.

Es wurden 335,00 € Spendengelder für folgende Bedarfe beantragt:

Austausch der Young Visionaries 335,00 €
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Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 55

Sabrina E.

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