managed by Ute O.
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About us
TERRE DES FEMMES e.V. (TDF) is promoting Women’s rights worldwide.
We fight against all types of violence against women such as, domestic and sexual violence, trafficking of women, forced prostitution, forced marriage, violence committed in the name of honor and female genital mutilation. TERRE DES FEMMES's goal is to create a world in which girls and women can lead a self-determined life without violence!
Our partner-organizations abroad are local initiatives and women’s rights organizations that have a grass-root approach and aim to empower women through capacity building. In their communities they advocate a change of traditional, engrained values and practices that promote harmful attitudes towards girls and women.
We support women’s projects in Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Mali, India, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Israel/Palestine, Bulgaria and Turkey.
Latest project news
Erste Exemplare unserer Broschüre zum Mythos Jungfernhäutchen eingetroffen!
Pünktlich zum Welttag der sexuellen Gesundheit sind die ersten Exemplare unserer neuen Broschüre zum Mythos Jungfernhäutchen eingetroffen! Wir freuen uns sehr, diese wichtige Aufklärungsbroschüre in Leichter Sprache bald gynäkologische Praxen, Schulen und Beratungseinrichtungen bereitstellen zu können.
Es handelt sich zunächst nur um eine kleine Auflage, und der Bedarf ist enorm.