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I am going to swim from Asia to Europe on July 23

Public fundraising event page

Ugh, must I?

S. Thelwall
S. Thelwall wrote on 04-04-2017

At 2.30am this morning when I finally closed down the computer after a long slog to a deadline I really wondered if I was going to get out of bed in time for a pre-breakfast swim. 

My goal at the moment is two weekday swims of anything over 1km each and one weekend swim of anything over 2km and now that we're into the last 16 weeks of training I'm aiming to add distance to all of those as we head towards the 23/7 swim date. 

This of course is all to be fitted into an already ludicrously full diary of work that means I book social events six weeks in advance. 

So the ease with which I could just say 'ah, but this short term work deadline must take priority over a July swimming goal' is something I fight against quite often!

Add to that a sense that my progress on my front crawl is being eroded and I feel slower than I did in January and getting out of bed in the morning to be in the pool by 7 or 7.30 is not always easy!

For now at least I'm winning the battle against my soporific self!

Only 25 Euros to go and I'll have raised enough to rescue two people from a watery grave.