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Change the world with your donation

We received a payout of €1,275.40

United Action e.V.
United Action e.V. wrote on 09-02-2022

We motivate women to use their strengths, resources and talents (empowerment) and inform them about their rights. We also aim to raise awareness of cultural differences, teach values such as tolerance and respect, and introduce women to opportunities for social participation.

A special concern is the education and reappraisal of racism in our society. This not only makes integration into the German majority society more difficult, but can also be observed between migrant groups.

For this purpose, we offer them a safe space where women and girls can come together and exchange experiences, learn from each other and help each other. Sensitive topics, including those related to health or family planning (e.g. female genital mutilation, contraceptive methods), can also be brought up. At the same time, the meeting spaces offer the opportunity to reflect on inherited cultural and traditional norms of the society of origin.
Inclusion can only succeed if the environment is also ready for it. That is why we want to include both German fellow citizens and the men of the newcomer women in our work. The goal is to sensitize them to each other's points of view and needs - because only together can we achieve integration.

The donations go directly to the work of United Action Woman and Girls e.V. and enables free services to empower vulnerable women and girls and support them in the long term.

We too are not unaffected by the current crisis. The pandemic threatens the continued financing of existing and planned projects. The loss of funding for presence services, which currently cannot take place, also presents the association with the challenge of having to maintain its existing structures through private donations.

We are very grateful about all the donations we received.