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Funds for Wayan

Blanca A.
Blanca A. wrote on 19-03-2012

Dear Friends and Supporters of Wayan, We were able to raise approximatly 9,000 Euros for Wayan's medical support. From the donations made through, 3,000 Euros remain after the medical expenses. We would like to use this remaining money to support Wayan's Family after the loss of their Son. We are still trying to decide how we will use the money for his family, but we will keep you updated. The reason we are emailing you is to inform you and include you in this decision. If you do not feel that you want your money to continue in this way. Then please don't hesitate in contacting me by the end of next week. If we do not hear from you, then we will continue with our decision and use the money to help Wayan's family and their future.

A big thank you to all who participated in helping this family!!!

With love,
