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Blanca A.
Blanca A. wrote on 29-02-2012

Monday night we talked to Wayans doctor. Basically they can't do anything to rescue him. We were expecting this but it was hard to see Wayans mum and dad realize that they are going to loose their son.

The only thing the doctors can do for him at this point is to give him the best palliative care and pain management they can. As he is dealing with a so called pain tumor that is and has been Wayans worst agaony. Thats why we wanna at least help Wayan to provide for his hospitalisation so can get the care he needs to reduce his suffering.

His condition did not really improve. He has metastases spread in his whole body and is still suffering under the pneumonia. He looks better though because of the blood transfusion he recieved and his bed sores are healing up a bit.They tried to feed him with a feeding tube liquid food but he doesnt tolerate it. Most of his organs ( kidneys ) are already malfunctionning and you can see the effects on him.

The most important thing is, he is not suffering that terrible pain anymore and he is getting cared for and he is seen! He is not forgotten. He is not in his tiny little, dirty room somewhere in the poor areas of Denpasar. He and his family are not  abandoned to their bitter fate anymore on their own.

I asked the doctor if we would have helped earlier it would have given Wayan a chance to live. He said no but he wouldnt have to have suffered all that pain he was at when he and his family where just left on their own. Not knowing that the doctors had already given up an him a year ago when they send him home from the first hospital. And that his cancer had actually never been able to be removed. This might be the worst tragic. The parents thought their son was healed but he was just dying in front of their eyes.

It feels so wrong to see a mum, dad loose theirs son.

I believe if there would be more mums like Wayans mum. This world would be a better place.

We have been able to visit Wayan everyday since then. Jus t to "be there" with them. The traffic is really bad here in Bali, Denpasar. There are many accidents and it can take up to an hour sometimes to only get to the hospital Wayan is at.

Many bad and injust things happen in this world that we cant understand and we can only try to live as best as we can, support one another and encourage each other to keep strong and not give up on life. You are doing this! No matter what religion or country we are from. We are all humans, mums, dads, sisters, brothers...

Thank you for your help. Thank you for making a difference in Wayans and his families life and giving them comfort in this very sad and painful situation. Thank you that you are helping Wayan so his pain and suffering can be decreased.

Blanca and friends.