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How is Muni, how is the family, school and shop?

J. .Stefan Perlebach
J. .Stefan Perlebach wrote on 29-10-2012

Recently I skyped with my friend Mehdi, who supported me all the time with helping Muni & Family. He was a little bit concerned about the shop and the attitude of Yasmin - the mother of Muni. The Problem seems to be, that she still expects us (me, Mehdi and other mostly white interns, who visit the shop somtimes) to give her money and so she concentrates on us rather on her average customers. Mehdi told me, that the shop was closed a few times during peak-customer time and Yasmin could not explain why.

At the moment I can`t do anything about this circumstances since I am in Germany, but for next year I have it on my to do list to improve the shop and Yasmins attitude.

The kids are diligent, going to school eager to learn more every day, thats the good news.


I keep you updated,


best wishes,

