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Change the world with your donation

What happens next?

J. .Stefan Perlebach
J. .Stefan Perlebach wrote on 03-07-2012

I am pretty amazed, that still every week some little donations come along and that we nearly reached the sum of 3000 Euros. But I don`t want the moneyflow to stop after this sum, so I put a new demand at betterplace named "EXTRA". Although I can``t say exactly for what it will be used I can assure, that I will find more than enough possibilities to help with this extra-money.


At the moment I am in Germany, trying to settle again after my long travelling and obviously collecting money for Project Muni. At the beginning of 2013 I will go back to Dhaka, taking personally care of your donated money and keep you updated what we achieved with it,


thank all of you,


Stefan Perlebach