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In memory of Gert Marynissen!

Tabea W.
Tabea W. wrote on 27-08-2013

Dear Sir or Madam,
this betterplace entry is gonna be in english, because it is dedicated to Gert Marynissen, whose friends are speaking mainly english. During the last weeks we received many donations from anonymous people, who all referred to Gert Marynissen. He donated a great sum of money for us just a few months ago. That money he raised through a marathon he took part in. I´ve had several conversations with him afterwards and was amazed by the willingness and generosity to support our work here with the "Kiez Kids" in Reinickendorf- Berlin. He was even thinking of visiting us one time.
Very sadly we received the message through your donations that Gert Marynissen passed away a few weeks ago! We were truly shocked by that message even if we didn´t know him very well! Our heart goes out to everybody who was close to Gert - friends and family! And we pray comfort and help into your/their life!
Thank you so much for all your donations. We constantly try to do a good work and try to honor the donations of so many people by using the money correctly!
Peoply like Gert Marynissen inspire us to use the gifts we´ve been given by helping others. It also shows us how fragile life is and reminds us how important it is to live our life wisely, to make the right decisions and make our peace with God as long as we have time to do that. He loves us all so very much that nothing, even his beloved son, was too costly for him to redeem us from a broken relationship with him. Let´s seek him, God, who said that everybody who earnestly seeks him will find him! I say those things in high regard to all of you!!!
God bless you richly!!!

Yours sincerely,
Tabea Westerheide