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Hiking for children with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus in Haydom, Tansania Africa

t. harbauer
t. harbauer wrote on 26-09-2019

SAFE THE DATE***18.01.-27.01.2020***SAFE THE DATE***18.01.-27.01.2020***SAFE THE DATE***18.01.-27.01.2020

Christmas Duck all eaten up, New Years Eve fireworks all blown up and still nothing else to do in January? Are you ready for your very first Adventure and your first good act in 2020? Than join us up to the top of Tansanias second highest and most beautiful vulcanic mountains in the heart of Africa. Together with you, the local medical team of Haydom, parents we want to reach the top together to collect funds for building a centre in Haydom for children born with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. It shall be a place for shelter, medical treatment and life long follow up care. 1000 Euro of your complete travel costs for the 10 day journey will be donated straight for the purpose of building the centre and House of Hope. Make sure to be there in the first row on the crater-edge of Mount Meru for the most spectacular sunrise ever seen. Meet families and their children in Haydom afterwards and learn about African Culture and traditions. Be there with us, sign up or support us with your straight donation. For more information visit our webside and follow the link further below.

We see each other on the top of Mount Meru!

Theresa Harbauer
Chairman Haydom-Friends e.V. 

Hiking for Haydoms kids with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus