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Wir haben 1.335,75 € Spendengelder erhalten

Holla  e.V.
Holla e.V. wrote on 01-04-2020

Taking into account our call we will spend the money for rent and office supplies to carry out our projects. Holla is unique and urgently needed as a health centre of this kind, which can be seen not least in the ever increasing demand. So far we have kept our heads above water with a lot of voluntary work and little project money. We need basic financing, both for monthly fixed costs such as room rent, office work and administration, as well as in order to diversify our activities and make them more varied.   

Therefore, we would first like a financial injection. This would provide us with some basic security for 2 years and would primarily finance the rent and a mini-jobber* for our office. This creates the conditions for stabilizing our previous offers, so that we can calmly acquire longer-term project funds. We could also then devote ourselves to the urgently needed nationwide networking work.